Sunday, October 21, 2007


I talked to my mother on the way home from the in-law's today.

Nonnie: We witnessed a biker get hit by a car yesterday.

Me: Oh, mom! That's awful! Was he ok?

Nonnie: Well, it was a good thing our friend Bob was with us. He knew just what to do. He's trained in that sort of thing.

Me: Oh, yeah? What does he do for a living?

Nonnie: He runs a brake repair shop.

Me: Huh?

Nonnie: And he gives blood once a month, too!

HMMMMM.So did he stay at a Holiday Inn last night?


chelle said...

Let's hope at least that! Sounds like a conversation with my mom! LOL!

FarmWife said...

That's hysterical!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I miss your mom and you of course!! Love you guys and tell mom hi.