Monday, November 5, 2007

Sweet Slumber

In spite of my fear of being stricken by Murphy's Law, I am going to send out a big "Thank You" to my friends in my Bible Study group for their advise regarding Chunky Monkey's sleeping habits.

My girls, as I lovingly refer to them as, informed me that it was time to initiate some tough love with the little man so as to regain my own much needed sleep. He is rapidly approaching 15 months of age and even though he has had small (2-3 nights at a time) periods of sleeping through the night, he is ingrained in an "eat twice a night" routine.

So, taking their advice (read: pressure) to heart, I did (almost)all that they told me to do...

1. Turn off the monitor (Check)
2. Let him cry (Check)
3. Wear earplugs (No way)
4. Feed him more in the evening (Check)
5. Do not, under any circumstances, feed him in the night (Check)
6. Put Lula in her own bed so she doesn't hear him (Check...mostly)

I am pleased to announce that even though he has woken several times and cried for up to ten minutes, I have not caved and fed him and he has gone back to sleep on his own for 3 nights. I am hoping that we are past the night feedings now and within the next few nights, he will stop waking altogether.

Maybe if I am not waiting for the 11:00 feeding, I can break my own bad habit of staying up too late and go to bed at a more reasonable time, thereby decreasing the amount of EMS attacks.
(E vil M ommy S yndrome)

So again, THANKS, GIRLS! You know who you are!

1 comment:

chelle said...

I know how hard it can be. I'm proud of you!!