Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

I hope you all had the pleasant day that I did! The work was well shared, the company great, the food was delicious and the clean-up a breeze.

The kids are in bed and I am watching my family play golf on the Wii. Watching four adults become enthralled by an interactive video game is quite amusing! What is more amusing are the characters (called a "Mii")that they have come up with. You can design the way you want your Mii to look and some of the guys have opted for self-look alike mii's, some have made themselves into what look like hooligans with a five o'clock shadows in drag.

So, this day, I am thankful for the Wii , for it has brought hours of enjoyment to all today.

I am thankful for the bountiful blessings God has given to my family.

I am thankful for pack-n-plays and turkey fryers. Both made my life more bearable today.

I am thankful that my mom decided to come for a visit today.

I am thankful for the love of family, the satisfying growth of relationships, and the extremely full belly that is making my eyes heavy and my mind weary.

I am especially thankful today for our newest addition..."Pumpkin Pie", who will make his/her debut sometime in late June.

It has been a beautiful day. Happy Thanksgiving, y'all!

This is the Day that the Lord hath made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.

I am thankful for's a post script note...I was so tired when I was typing this post that I actually fell asleep at the end. I spelled "is" wrong, failed to capitalize the Lord's name and had a "hanging Chad" at the end there. I thought I had pushed "save", but actually published, so beautiful Farm Wife told me what she was thankful for (and I share her senitment), but I actually didn't mean to do it. But since I did, let's hear from the rest of you one thing you're thankful for! Can't wait to read them!


FarmWife said...

I am thankful for the world of blogging that can give me a window into the lives of Sara says, "Virtual but true."

Happy Thanksgiving to you.

Unknown said...

You beat me to it Farm Wife!! I was just thinking how grateful I am for my blogging friends. You are there for me at times when I need a shoulder to cry on and there to make me laugh too.You may be virtual, but you are true. Thank you !! S

Unknown said...

Oh, and is Pumpkin Pie, the new arrival due in June, a real pie or a real ickle baby ??!!!! If you are having a baby then my huuuugggge congratulations !!! If not a baby then....enjoy the pie. S

Mum's the Word said...

ICKLE, it is!!! :-) So, thanks for the congrats and I am very grateful for you and all my blog buddies as well!