Monday, November 5, 2007

Scotch Tape

Watching an episode of Oswald today with Lula, I saw something that peaked my interest.

A woodpecker was about to drill through the single pole holding up the tent they were all playing in when Oswald's wiener dog(complete with bun) alerted everyone to said tragedy. Oswald climbed the pole and just as it was about to fall, he caught it and held it until the talking tree came with some scotch tape. Oswald wrapped the tape around the pole and the day was saved. The tree and Oswald and all the other characters continued to play and gave the dog a "Best Pet" award for his efforts.

Although in reality it is completely unlikely that some scotch tape would hold together a large wooden pole for any length of time, I thought it interesting that something so simple was used to solve such a large problem. If that tent had folded, not only would Oswald and the talking tree have gotten their tentacles and branches entangled causing multiple lacerations , but the starfish might have devoured the hot dog under the cover of dark and the whole episode about the "Best Pet" prize would have been a bust.

Seriously, I think we all need to look for some simple solutions from time to time. I know that I personally tend to make things into bigger issues than they need to be and therefore look for big solutions. Maybe if we just use a little "scotch tape" we can find our way through our problems and maybe even get our own "Best Pet" prize in the end.

That being said, I am off to buy 687 rolls of Scotch tape.


FarmWife said...

Oh my goodness!! You are too funny!

Oswald gives me the creeps.

Emily said...

So nice to find you....I might just have to watch this Oswald...some insightful thoughts gleaned from children's programming.

chelle said...

Very insightful! I confess that I never thought that thoroughly about children's programming. Mostly I just thought about how Squiggy ended up playing the part of the penquin while Lenny went on to that huge career. You are such a good mom!