Friday, September 21, 2007


Ok, so I have decided hat a long and detailed explanation of the last 3 weeks would be not only hard to compose, but torturous for you all to read. So, I will just begin from today and go forward. I will cover anything missed as needed. OK?

The biggest happening of the day is that LG is beginning to walk! He is starting to become brave and take 2 or 3 steps at a time to get from one piece of furniture to the other. Ok, so really it is just a lunge where he remembers to move his feet a little bit, but a mother can call it whatever she wants. OK.

I did also speak with Sarah Jean today (She is my best friend from Michigan). It was really good to hear from her. I had called her last night to tell her that I missed her terribly and also the group of ladies (all high school friends that have stayed in touch these last 16 years) that used to get together for "Survivor Night" every Thursday. I was feeling particularly lonesome and I am sure that had something to do with it. Well, she tells me that they disbanded the group, so I shouldn't feel bad. Ok. That helps for next week, but last night really stunk!

Anyway, Sarah Jean is back on the market. She has had an on-again, off-again boyfriend for quite a while now, but has decided to kick him to the curb for good. I am so proud of her courage! It is hard to let someone go even if you know they are not good for you and Sarah Jean is feeling the pressure to find someone to settle down with. I keep telling her that she is still young, beautiful, vibrant and successful, so "don't worry", but I fear that she does worry she will run out of time to have a family. Please pray for her that she finds the perfect man for her and that they fall madly in love....soon,OK?


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