Saturday, September 22, 2007


Children's NyQuil does not work for adults.

I know this should be common sense, but I was willing to try anything at 3 am when I woke up with a stuffy nose, dry scratchy throat and a pounding headache!

Note to self: Please consider Mommy's needs more often.

When packing to leave Montana, it never occurred to me that I myself may actually become sick or have an allergy flare up. My children have every OTC drug imaginable in the hall closet right now, but is there even one medication fit for adult consumption? NO. There is not. As soon as the kids get up, off to Walgreen's we go for some much needed Tylenol and allergy relief!

I do also have to thank God for small favors. Sometimes they are not so small. Given my midnight allergy attack, I really was in no shape (or mood) to attend to a crying baby. Thankfully, LG helped me out and slept all night for only the second time in his 13 1/2 months of life! I didn't say anything about it yesterday for fear of jinxing it, but he did it again!!! I put him down at 7:30 last night and he is still not up yet! I cannot say how excited I am about this! Lula slept 5 hours at a time from birth and all night, every night by 6 months. I was dumb enough to believe that maybe #2 would do the same. Riiiight.

The other favor I am grateful for is the later sunrise. That means Lula wakes up later also. The sun begins to come up at 4 am in the summer in Montana, so we struggled to get her to sleep past 5-6 am for a long time. I finally implemented a rule that she had to stay in bed (or bedroom) until 7 am. I bought her a digital clock and taught her where to look for the right "7", and she did a great job for the most part. This morning she came down at 7:35, albeit dressed and hair brushed, so I don't know how long she has been up; but she didn't come down until she saw the "7". Did I mention that her clock is deviously set 30 minutes slow so as to give me a little extra time to sleep/have a cup of coffee/blog? BAD MOMMY, BAD, BAD!!!


FarmWife said...

I love the idea of setting the clock back 30 minutes!! I need to impliment the same rule!

Hope you get to feeling better soon!

Unknown said...

Not Bad Mommy, CLEVER MOMMY !!! Why did I never think of that ? Hope you are feeling better soon. Sleep well, I hope. Sarah x