Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Time is Drawing Near

I am up to my eyeballs in piles of stuff and it is making me crazy. I am trying to figure out what we can fit into our minivan to send home with CJ. I have packed all the clothes I want to take, gathered kitchen items I need and cleaned out the bathrooms.

I now need to tackle the toys.

Now, we have plenty of toys remaining at home, so I think I only need bring Lula's most favorite things. I know what most of them are, but I wanted to give her the opportunity to help me sort which toys to leave behind for the movers to bring home in a couple months. She flat refuses. I don't know if she just doesn't want to have to choose or if she just doesn't really care, but I am a half inch from doing it myself and letting her live with the choices I made. It is getting down to the wire and I need to be ready. CJ wants to leave in less than 24 hours. AGHHH!

It totally does not help that I would so much rather hang out with my friend Muffy and her daughter, Elle! Every chance I get to steal away for a while to be with them, I nab it! I am to the point now that I would almost rather stay up all night tonight if it meant I could spend another afternoon with Muffy. I am going to miss her soooo much! We went to lunch today and the feeling of impending departure and the sadness that it brings was palpable. I hate saying goodbye!

I try so hard to hide my sadness thinking that it will make her feel better, but I think I realized at lunch that she would actually be more comforted if I let my feelings be more known.

So here I am telling the world that I love her and she is the only reason I don't want to leave Montana! True friendship is hard to find and I feel so lucky to have her and it is tearing me up to have to leave! Muffy, when you read this, please know that I am crying with you right now! I love ya, girl!

I hope Muffy is prepared for the fact that I will be on her doorstep early Friday morning to go to breakfast at Wheat Montana and won't be leaving her side until she either asks me to go or I am forced to put my children to bed!


Unknown said...

Please forgive my dumbness, but I think maybe I missed something when I was away. Where are you going and why ? Sarah

trixie stix said...


Mum's the Word said...

Sarah, I am taking my children back to our home in Oklahoma so our daughter can return to her old school. The adjustment to Montana was really hard and she told me everyday how she wanted to go "home", so we are. My hubby will stay here and come home every 2 weeks until Feb. when his work here is done. No dumbness, I may not have written too much about it.:-)

Mum's the Word said...
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