Saturday, August 25, 2007

A Mountain of Sin and 5 Gold Stars

After I posted yesterday I decided that there was only time before husband arrived home to either clean up a bit or fix dinner, but not both.

I wasn't wild about the idea of cooking the chicken. I cleaned up. I didn't get it all done, but I made a really good dent in the mess. I called CJ after twenty minutes of Lula whining that she was starving. I figured we could get a pizza or something when he got home. When I told him that I had only had time to do one major task he asked which we needed to work on when he got home (Gold Star #1). I told him I hadn't made dinner and he asked if I wanted to call in an order to our favorite Italian place. (Gold Star #2)

I called in the order and waited patiently through more whining about starvation for him to arrive. I was just starting to think he decided to drive past the house and head for Mexico (I wouldn't have blamed him at that point) when I heard the garage door. (Gold Star #3-just for coming home)

My dear husband walked in carrying the bags that smelled so wonderful that Lula and I both flocked to his side to get a look as quickly as possible at the scrumptous viddles inside. CJ pulled out all the delicious Italian food I had ordered plus a truly yummy looking piece of turtle cheesecake and a piece of bread pudding. (Gold Star #4)

The food was delicious and I was so grateful to have such an understanding and gracious man to share it with. The evening was looking up and I was feeling oh-so-much better when he did it.

He got Gold Star #5.

He stopped at one of Billing's most expensive restaurants and picked up a "Mountain of Sin". This is a delectable and chewy brownie topped with a mound of the most mouth watering chocolate mousse and the whole thing is drizzled with caramel. WOW! I love this man!!!

So I traded in the chicken for some much needed Italian food topped off with sin so good you want to do it every night of the week! A great deal for a very lucky girl.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Now that is the perect man !! Top marks to him !! S