Friday, August 24, 2007

F5 Tornado Strikes

Ok. I know that I was feeling validated. I still do. But today when CJ gets home, he will see that an abnormally violent tornado hit our house and there is no possible way I can clean it up in the hour and a half until he gets home.

I am having a garage sale and Lula was outside with me for much of the morning. I put LG down for his nap and Lula came inside to have "quiet time". I came in after closing up the sale and found that not only had quiet time not occured as planned, but every toy she has had been removed from its shelf/storage space/box.

My house looks like the aftermath of Katrina without the water damage. (Please, no disrespect to anyone who actually lived through that horrific event.)

I am flustered and angry and today is one of the days I wish I had a full time job outside my house so my kids wouldn't get the chance to tear it up day after day after day after day!

I called CJ to ask him what we should have for dinner in hopes that he would say he would pick up a pizza or chinese take-out. Instead, he said, "How about some chicken?" Siiigh.

CLuck, cluck.

1 comment:

FarmWife said...

I'm with you there. B.B. is like a walking hurricane. He can demolish a room faster than anyone I know...and does so with amazing frequency.