Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Let Me Count The Ways

Puke. Spit up. Blow chunks. Spew. Upchuck. Vomit. Throw up. Toss yer cookies. Lose yer lunch. Pray to the porcelain god.

These are all the ways I could think of to say someone got sick, but all are ways that LG did it the past four days. Except, of course, for the porcelain god part.

He's one, so the toilet never got the privilege. That belonged to me and his daddy.

I can take it. CJ however, not so much. For the last three nights, CJ would take the baby to his room and try to feed him his nightly bottle. Each night I thought, "it just may work tonight". And each night after about five minutes I would hear, "JJ!!!!!!!". I would quickly run to my squeamish husband's aid to find a child grinning from obvious relief and a husband grimacing with disgust.

After I mopped up as much as I could and took the child, my gagging spouse would bolt from the room and about 6 seconds later I would hear the shower turn on. Only after 15 minutes of scrubbing would he emerge to say "that is DISGUSTING!"

To his credit, he can catch the stuff in his hands now with no problem, but if his shirt gets soaked....it's all over. He really was quite the trooper the last few nights, but last night he calmly said to me at bedtime, "You wanna give the bottle to him?"

LG took his bottle and went to bed peacefully without a single drop reappearing. Mama's touch? I wish I could take the credit, but I think the tummy bug has finally left. We'll see tonight when CJ resumes bedtime bottle feeding. I'll let ya know.


Unknown said...

My Man has the blissful knack of being away at work in the event of any emergency whatsoever - be it vomit, overflowing drains or trips to hospital. Lucky him !! Well done to your man for the " catching it in his hands " skill !!! S

FarmWife said...

My husband can handle the vomit, but tends to panic if the baby spits up. It's odd. I can only handle it if it's my kid puking. Anyone else (including my husband) & I'm plugging my ears, closing my eyes, and singing loudly.

Mum's the Word said...

Thanks for reading...funny how God gives mommies the ability to handle and be ok with anything that happens to or comes out of our children's bodies, isn't it?

Unknown said...

Yup. At school this year I have had quite a lot of cleaning up to do. I have to pretend its my child's sick/wee/unmentionable stuff, but its been difficult sometimes. I don't know how nurses cope with grown up stuff - now that would be hard. Ug. S