Saturday, August 25, 2007

Karma Stinks

Literally. I left my sweet one year old boy in his crib fussing-- but not crying, for probably ten minutes or so as I wrote the previous post.


My oh-so-cute boy has figured out how to remove his own diaper. And of course he didn't do it when he only had to go #1.

No. My adorable child did it when he had everything to give!

As I ran the bath water I searched for the camera to quickly snap a blackmailing photo of the "Naptime Pooper", but found it had no battery. I charged it while he was in the tub and was able to get one snapshot by the time he got out. It doesn't have him in it, but his favorite blankie was in there, so it will be no question at his graduation "who dunnit".

I'm not really sure what I did to deserve this little bit of Karma. Maybe I haven't done it yet. Maybe the amusement I will draw from showing this picture to as many friends and family as I can when he is a teenager has caused some weird cosmic force to spin around on me today. Who knows. Who cares. It's gonna be fun!

Now please excuse me as I go serve my penance and clean up that stinky mess!


Shoes said...

:) Oh, yes. I think this is a rite of passage for every mom. This and pottying in the tub. (ewww)

Thanks for visiting Adventure Abounds. And thanks for making ME laugh today.

Unknown said...

Oh yuk. I only had to sort that one once thank goodness. Hope this is your first and last time too ! S