Monday, March 16, 2009

The Waiting Game

Well, I am off to a good start, huh?

It has already been almost a week since I took Chunky Monkey to the dentist! We were thrilled to discover that there were no signs of a boken tooth or broken bone, so the dentist says that we just. have. to. wait.

If the tooth sets itself back into the socket in a month, all will be right with the world. If not, we need to look at anchoring or extracting the tooth. I will not allow myself to consider either of those scenarios, so I am pleased to say that in this case, denial is workin' just fine!

The appointment is set, the anxiety level is down, and life goes on...albeit a bit more cautiously. I find myself following the poor child like a puppy to make sure he doesn't fall and hurt himself and am on strict orders from the dentist that he is not tear any foods with the front teeth. Meal times have digressed to the early toddler stage of cutting everything into tiny, bite sized pieces; which fits so nicely into my already chaotic world.

Ah, well. A little more chaos to help my son save his tooth...I'll gladly bear that burden to avoid having to have the tooth fairy visit him first. The drama that would surely follow would be Lula's finest work to date, I'm sure.

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